The solo exhibition will run from Sep. 9- Oct. 16, 2018
Opening Reception: Sunday, September 9, 12-2pm, 2018
Stetson Gallery, 28 Mugford Street, Marblehead
Held Together
The intricate natural balance within seagrass habitats is a place for me to slow down and focus. The idea that many elements are connected and can create beautiful exchanges such as seagrass absorbing carbon from the air and bubbling out oxygen is fascinating for me.
I love the fact that eelgrass beds provide a home, food, and sanctuary for so many creatures like crabs, starfish, manatees and a lot more. It brings together so many wonderful tangible and intangible elements
“Held Together” is an underwater hub where many exchanges are occurring simultaneously. The organic shapes have edges that become distinct and then shift into the next shape, creating energetic movements. This experience is similar to what occurs underwater when I snorkel in eelgrass meadows, there is this wonderful swaying movement created by lots of micro movements. I try to visually capture this rich diversity of colors, shapes and movement in my work.
“Sunlit” references the underwater world on a bright sunny day with crisp blue gray reflected light encircling the eelgrass beds in water. I use pencil and charcoal marks to mimic patterns in the water. I used hot pinks and muted violet colors to describe the beautiful space between the oceans and the beach in “Coastline”. The Charcoal lines mimic organic matter that washes ashore. I used large brushstrokes in alternating patterns to suggest movement of land and water and constant flux of these exchanges.
Despite the saddening loss of seagrass (20 football fields every hour globally) I attempt to portray the beauty found in seagrass habitats. They are both visually stunning and also hold a treasure trove of benefits from the clean air we breath to the muscles we eat. Being involved with eelgrass conservation efforts has made a huge impact in the way I think about my everyday choices. For me its a constant place of wonder and excitement.
Dr. Julie Simpson ecologist from MIT will be sharing her research in Eelgrass conservation and providing us with many wonderful scientific insights into how these habitats help us. I have had the pleasure of attending one of her carbon research field trips in Nahant and was amazed at the amount of information this unassuming plant can hold. More on Julie Simpson can be found here at MITSEAGRANT.