Installation Day At Copley Square Hotel


Super excited and honored to be invited to show at Copley Square Hotel’s Art Gallery for the whole of the Summer!!! Seagrass inspired art, Scientist and a whole lot more is being planed all the way through this summer.

A Look Behind The Scenes

This is a behind the scenes look at an artist’s life just to get to the show!

Packing The Art Work

Everything start at Studio 224 Harrison Ave. Boston. A whirlwind of “did I remember everything” and “where is all the the recycled bubble wrap gone”? The day before my studio is a huge mess. I have to double check that I have the right artwork, and that it has all the right gizmos for hanging..and that it is tidy enough for presentation.

Since the packaging I use is mostly petroleum based, I decided I could O my C02 footprint if I recycle the stuff..only one thing..each time I have a show I have less bubble wrap??? This crazy method of packing means I spend all day at this resizing, repurposing and OMG, I should just use those big blankets that I have. By 8.35PM I am done wrapping and assembling 25 pieces of art artwork.

The Next Day Truck Service

I wish there was an Uber for UHALL and I didn’t have to bump around in Boston’s pot holed streets in a 10 ft Truck. Maybe in the future, hiring art handlers/ drivers might be a more feasible option. For now it’s me and the big wheels.

I met installer Devon Armstrong at my studio at 8PM. We loaded the truck and headed to Copley Square Hotel. Super excited!

At Copley Square Hotel

Devon is the best art installer/ assistant I know! Once we got to the hotel we unloaded all the artwork and got to work. Since the hotel has challenging different sized walls we spent a good chunk of time moving paintings around until they worked. Out of 25 pieces only 18 got selected.

After fiddling around some more in the afternoon we were happy with the whole installation. Keeping things at eye level, straightening..all that good stuff that goes on behind the scene. We were done by 6PM thanks to Devon being an awesome help!
